Salesforce CPQ Package Settings
Salesforce CPQ is a managed package which is installed in the Salesforce org. Within this package, there are settings which control the behavior of Salesforce CPQ. For example, how the proration is calculated or whether the column width on the Quote Line Editor can be resized or connecting to a plug-in for pricing calculations. With these settings you can enable / disable features, configure aspects of specific feature, and govern how CPQ package behaves overall.
It is important to note that these settings work across the entire package. Think of them as global controls across the CPQ platform. What this means is that understanding your customer’s overall business process is fundamental to making the appropriate selections on package settings. When implementing Salesforce CPQ, ensure you are capturing the high-level requirements which drive these selections early-on in the discovery cycle, as making changes later may be tricky.
To get to the package settings, you need to go to ‘Installed Packages’ in Setup and click ‘Configure’ next to the Salesforce CPQ package.
The Salesforce CPQ Package Settings are categorized as below:
- Document Package Settings
- Group Package Settings
- Line Editor Package Settings
- Plug-in Package Settings
- Pricing and Calculation Package Settings
- Subscription and Renewal Package Settings
- CPQ Quote Package Settings
- CPQ Order Package Settings
- Additional CPQ Package Settings
We have covered some of the key settings in our video here. Do take a look:
For those who are in the process of learning Salesforce CPQ and its features, this is one topic you will keep revisiting. For example, when using the Quote Line Editor, it’s associated package settings becomes relevant and similarly Pricing and Calculation settings are key to implementing your pricing strategy correctly. So, to really understand these settings in depth, we recommend you keep coming back to this topic. Additionally, each setting has an associated tool tip which gives a quick description, and the trusted Salesforce help documentation helps explain these in more details.